
—Core Values—

  • Compassionate Leadership that honors the strong faith traditions of the church, while being committed to seek new ways to support the congregation and serve the wider community.
  • Beloved Community that celebrates our lives together, while fostering an environment in which to grow in faith through a spirit of openness, inclusiveness, mutual acceptance, and respect.
  • Joyful Worship that opens hearts and minds to God’s presence and the gospel’s challenge, while inspiring through music and empowering through preaching.
  • Vital Mission that builds partnerships between this congregation, other faith communities, and compatible organizations which strive to improve the quality of life and lift up individual lives.

—Mission Statement—

We are a community of faith in the heart of the village, with the village in its heart. Inspired by our heritage we embrace the future with confidence in God’s purposes.

With a foundation built on enduring Gospel truths and rooted deep in communal history, we strive to share God’s grace with each other and our community through worship and preaching, fellowship and education, service and mission.

With open hearts, open minds, and open doors we seek to welcome people of all races, nationalities, ages and orientations into an experience of the love and justice of God.

—Vision Statement—

We strive to be an inclusive, welcoming, vibrant, growing community of believers:

Inclusive because we believe that every human being has intrinsic value and worth.

Welcoming because we believe God calls us to share the spiritual pilgrimage with all.

Vibrant because we offer opportunities to worship in faith, share in love, grow in discipleship and serve in humility.

Growing because a congregation that is open to the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit, faithful and fearless in engaging in Christ’s mission of reconciliation in the world, and who are thriving as his disciples living fully in the joy of God’s salvation, will truly be a magnetic church.


Revised January 2018