Holiday Collections

The holidays are fast approaching bringing all the festivities that we love and cherish. As we think of our loved ones, our church and our friends, the Outreach Committee is asking you to remember those families struggling and in need around Madison County.

During the months of November and December, we will be collecting cereal for the Caz Cares food baskets as we have for many years. New this year we will also collect scarves, mittens, gloves, hats and warm socks for Caz Cares and Community Action Partnership’s (CAP) “Wrapped in Love” campaign. The scarves, mittens, hats and gloves can be GENTLY used, but the socks must be new.

You can place your donations in the basket located in the Narthex. In December, you can place your donations in the board room on our new giving tree, graciously created by Larry Loffredo.

The Outreach Committee thanks you for your support.